Season 4

June 30, 2000

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Episode #67 (#1D)
SG-1 returns to the SGC with news that earth has been saved from the Replicators, only to learn that one of the deadly creatures was not destroyed. After crashing into the ocean aboard Thor's ship, the Replicator bug has found its way into a Russian submarine where it has killed the entire crew and is continuing to rapidly replicate. O'Neill suggests that the sub be towed out to sea and nuked, but the Pentagon feels that such an act could cause a serious situation with the Russian government. Instead, O'Neill and Teal'c lead a small heavily armed team aboard the sub in the hopes that the Replicators can be eliminated by sheer firepower. Carter is taken to Thor's home planet which is on the verge of total destruction by the Replicators. Thor believes that perhaps Carter's human knowledge could hold the key to the Asgard defeating the Replicators once and for all.
Written by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Colin Cunningham as Major Davis, Gary Jones as Technician, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler, Yurij Kis as Yuri, Dmitry Chepovetsky as Boris

July 7, 2000

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Episode #68 (#2D)
The SGC is contacted by Alar, a representative of the planet Euronda. His people, who claim direct descent from Earth, are under attack and in need of help. General Hammond sends SG-1 on a humanitarian mission to deliver food and medical supplies. SG-1 arrives to find a civilization devastated by war - and a leader desperate to make a deal. In exchange for the heavy water they need to sustain their defensive fields, Alar is prepared to offer advanced Eurondan technology. O'Neill quickly agrees to the trade. Daniel, however, is suspicious that the Eurondans have not been completely honest about their agenda and sets out to discover the truth.
Written by: Brad Wright
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Rene Auberjonois as Alar, Anne Marie Loder as Farrell, Gary Jones as Technician Sergeant Davis, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler, Stephen Park as Controller, Kyle Cassie as Eurondan Soldier, Kris Keeler as Zombie Pilot Ollan

July 14, 2000

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Episode #69 (#3D)
Anise, a new Tok'ra representative to Earth, approaches the SGC for help in testing some mysterious armband devices discovered amongst the ruins of a distant planet. Anise believes the devices could prove a powerful weapon in their war against the Goa'uld. However, since symbiotes seem to render the devices ineffective, she requires human test subjects to prove her theory. O'Neill, Carter, and Daniel volunteer. They are outfitted with armbands and within a short time, begin to demonstrate incredible strength and speed. But Dr. Fraiser grows concerned when medical tests suggest that the devices could be endangering their lives. General Hammond orders the armbands removed - only SG-1 is shocked to discover the devices will not come off. Anise sees an opportunity and suggests that SG-1, now outfitted with the armbands, be sent to destroy a new ship being built by Apophis. The General flatly refuses and orders SG-1 to remain on base. Their judgment clouded by the alien devices, the team defies the order and sets off on what could well be a suicide mission.
Written by: David Rich
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Vanessa Angel as Anise / Freya, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler, Kristina Copeland as Waitress, Frank Topol as Big Guy, Bill Nikolai as Technician #1, Laara Sadiq as Technician #2, Daniel Melles as SF #1, Tracy Westerholm as SF #2, Fraser Attcheson as Jaffa Commander, Shawn Reis as Jaffa

July 21, 2000

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Episode #70 (#4D)
SG-1 responds to an incoming wormhole with Bra'tac's signal. Instead of Bra'tac, they find Shan'auc who tells them that she has come on behalf of Bra'tac. Teal'c goes to Shan'auc and it is immediately evident to all that the two share chemistry and history. Shan'auc claims to have discovered a way to communicate with her symbiote, and it, in turn, has shared memories with her. These memories, she believes, could be the means to defeat the Goa'uld. She claims that through their communications, she has convinced her symbiote that the Goa'uld are evil. The symbiote is prepared to tell all it knows to the Tok'ra. Teal'c remains skeptical of Shan'auc's claim, until he, himself, shares a memory with his symbiote. The Tok'ra agree that Sha'auc's symbiote is of great value and find a willing Tok'ra host for it. Will the symbiote continue to tell its secrets and offer a method to defeat the Goa'uld or has it cleverly deceived Sha'auc, SG-1 and the Tok'ra?
Written by: Katharyn Powers
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Vanessa Angel as Anise / Freya, Musetta Vander as Shan'auc, Peter Wingfield as Tanith / Hebron, Gary Jones as Technician, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Ron Hadler as Cronus, Sean Millington as Ro'nak

July 28, 2000

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Episode #71 (#5D)
During a meeting with the Tok'ra high council, Major Graham of the SGC goes berserk, firing uncontrollably upon the Tok'ra before taking his own life. The SGC is stunned to discover that Graham is a Zatarc, the victim of Goa'uld mind control technology. According to Anise, its victims are subconsciously programmed to kill, their recollection of the procedure covered by false memories. Anyone who has come into contact with the Goa'uld could well be a Zatarc - and wholly unaware of the fact. Through the use of an experimental testing device designed by the Tok'ra, Anise sets out to determine who, at the SGC, has been programmed. The test proves successful in uncovering a second Zatarc - Lieutenant Astor, a former teammate of Graham's, who also goes berserk, shooting up the SGC before turning the gun on herself. But subsequent testing uncovers false memories in two more members of the SGC: Colonel Jack O'Neill and Major Samantha Carter.
Written by: Tor Alexander Valenza
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Vanessa Angel as Anise / Freya, JR Bourne as Martouf / Lantash, Kirsten Robek as Lieutenant Astor, Andrew Jackson as Supreme High Councilor Per'sus, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Phillip Mitchell as Major Graham, Bill Nikolai as Technician, Roger Allford as The President

August 4, 2000

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Episode #72 (#6D)
While exploring planet P4X-639, the SG-1 team meets Malikai, a human explorer from another world who shares Daniel's interest in an alien computer covered in a strange Latin-like script. As solar flares flash from the red sun overhead, Malikai warns Daniel that the geomagnetic disturbance may be dangerous to the SG-1 team and tells him to leave. When Daniel ignores him, Malikai zaps him with a weapon and begins to program the alien computer. O'Neill and Teal'c rush to Daniel's aid and are caught, with Malikai, in a mysterious blue light. Suddenly, they find themselves back at Stargate command, ten hours earlier, preparing to head off on the mission they've just returned from. And then it happens again. And again. And again. As O'Neill returns to eat the same bowl of Fruit Loops over and over again, it becomes clear that they've been caught in a time loop and that only he and Teal'c retain their memories through each ten-hour cycle. It's up to them to decode the message on the mysterious machine and figure out a way to break the loop.
Written by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Robin Mossley as Malikai, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler, Daniel Bacon as Technician, Bill Nikolai as Technician, Cam Cronin as Door Airman

August 11, 2000

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Episode #73 (#7D)
When the Stargate won't open, trapping teams offworld, the SG-1 team investigates and learns that the Russians have their own Stargate. Their Stargate, apparently recovered from the sea after an Asgard ship crashed on Earth, is locked open, maintaining a perpetual wormhole that defies explanation. At the request of Russian scientist Dr. Svetlana Markov, the SG-1 team is dispatched to the Russian Stargate facility, where they make a shocking discovery. All the soldiers and scientists are dead and the Stargate remains locked open, connected to a water-covered planet. Svetlana explains that the Russians had retrieved a sample of the water, and found it has amazing properties, including the ability to emit significant levels of energy. That same water, however, seems to have disabled the drone, leaving it inoperable and sending transmissions that are keeping the gate open. Daniel, Carter and Svetlana head through the wormhole in a miniature submarine in an attempt to recover the drone. The water brings the sub to a halt and begins to crush it, leaving the team unable to return through the Stargate. Meanwhile, back at the Russian facility, O'Neill and Teal'c make their own shocking discovery. Inside a freezer is the frozen body of Col. Maybourne, an SG-1 turncoat who has apparently been advising the Russians. As he begins to thaw, he comes back to life, spewing out gallons of water and a terrified warning. This may look like H20, but it's alive and it's playing for keeps.
Written by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Marina Sirtis as Dr. Svetlana Markov, Tom McBeath as Colonel Maybourne, Gary Jones as Technician, Darryl Scheelar as Co-Pilot

August 18, 2000

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Episode #74 (#8D)
While conducting an archeological dig on planet P3X-888, Daniel Jackson makes a remarkable discovery: a primordial Goa'uld symbiote, an ancient, predatory version of SG-1's parasitical enemies. Before he can bring back his sample however, his team is attacked by an Unas. One team member is killed and Daniel is dragged off into the wilderness by the giant primitive creature. Learning of Daniel's disappearance, O'Neill leads a rescue mission to the planet. Upon his arrival, he discovers that SG-11 has been almost wiped out - only Hawkins survived - and the planet's water supply is teeming with Goa'uld symbiotes. While O'Neill and Teal'c struggle with the possibility that one of their men may have been inhabited by a Goa'uld, Daniel is dragged further into the wilderness by his captor. Gradually, he begins to understand a few words of the creature's language. The Unas, a juvenile whose name seems to be Chaka, saves Daniel's life when he's attacked by a symbiote. As the rescue team struggles to catch up, however, the question remains: has Daniel become the Unas' newest friend or is he simply being brought home for dinner?
Written by: Peter DeLuise
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Dion Johnstone as Chaka, Jason Schombing as Dr. Robert Rothman, Vincent Hammond as Unas, Gary Jones as Technician , Barry Levy as Major Hawkins, Steve Bacic as Major Coburn , Russell Ferrier as Captain Griff, Rob Lee as Pierce

August 25, 2000

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Episode #75 (#9D)
Thanks to SG-1, a civilization known as the Enkarans have been transplanted from a Goa'uld slave planet to a safer, more hospitable world. But soon after they settle in, problems arise. One of their villages is attacked by a mysterious ship. The Enkarans seem to be facing a threat even more formidable than the Goa'uld. But when SG-1 investigates, they discover that the mystery ship has no hostile intent. It is merely terraforming the planet in order to make it habitable for the Gadmeer, a long-dormant alien species. Lotan, a bio-mechanical liaison created by the ship, explains that once the terraforming procedure has begun, it cannot be halted. To do so would mean extinction for the Gadmeer. On the other hand, a completion of the terraforming process would mean certain death for the Enkarans. SG-1 must find a solution to this ethical dilemma, or face the extinction of an entire race.
Written by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Brian Markinson as Lotan, Marilyn Norry as Hedrazar, Alessandro Juliani as Eliam, Rob Court as Caleb, Nikki Smook as Nikka

September 1, 2000

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Episode #76 (#10D)
SG-1 awakens in a mysterious underground complex with no memory of their previous lives. In fact, they seem to possess a whole new set of memories. No longer O'Neill, Carter, Daniel, and Teal'c, they are Jonah, Therra, Carlin and Tor, laborers doomed to a dreary existence, working the mines beneath an ice-covered planet. Back at the SGC, meanwhile, General Hammond is faced with the possibility that SG-1 perished on the planet's icy surface, a possibility he refuses to accept. As the General tries to unravel the team's mysterious disappearance, the members of SG-1 grasp at fleeting memories of their former lives, memories which are not just the keys to their freedom, but to their very survival.
Written by: Heather E. Ash
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Alison Matthews as Brenna, Kim Hawthorne as Kegan, Laurie Murdoch as Administrator Calder, Gary Jones as Technician, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Russell Ferrier as Major Griff, Brian Drummond as Attendant, Jason Griffith as Worker, Bruce Campbell as Worker

September 8, 2000

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Episode #77 (#11D)
The SGC is contacted by a rambling individual who claims full knowledge of a host of government conspiracies, from the Kennedy cover-up to CIA-sanctioned microwave harassment of Libertarian candidates. He sounds like a crackpot, someone hardly worthy of their attention, that is until he mentions the Stargate. Hammond wants to play it safe. They need to check this guy out. O'Neill meets with the mystery caller, a nebbish fellow named Martin Lloyd who insists he is an alien and in possession of a space ship (whose location slips his mind at the moment). O'Neill is ready to dismiss Martin as a harmless nutjob and head back to Cheyenne Mountain, however, a series of strange occurrences begin to suggest that maybe, just maybe, there could be some truth to his story.
Written by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by: William Gereghty
Guest Starring: Willie Garson as Martin Lloyd, Robert Lewis as Dr. Peter Tanner, Matthew Bennett as Ted, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Mar Andersons as Bob, Francis Boyle as Sgt. Peters

September 15, 2000

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Episode #78 (#12D)
A test of the X-301, an experimental aircraft adapted from two Goa'uld death gliders, goes awry sending O'Neill and Teal'c hurtling out of Earth's orbit. As the X-301 streaks through space at a million miles an hour, the SGC struggles to find a way to retrieve it. But after an attempt to alter the aircraft's course fails, things look grim. Daniel Jackson seeks the help of off-world allies. He learns that the Tok'ra have a ship capable of reaching O'Neill and Teal'c, but it is on a covert mission in Goa'uld-controlled territory. With time ticking down and the lives of their comrades hanging in the balance, Carter and Daniel must locate the Tok'ra ship, intercept the X-301, and pull off a daring rescue.
Written by: Michael Cassutt
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Carmen Argenziano as Jacob Carter / Selmak, Colin Cunningham as Major Davis, Peter Williams as Apophis, Steven Williams as General Vidrine

September 22, 2000

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Episode #79 (#14D)
When Daniel Jackson's old archeology professor, Dr. Jordan, dies in a mysterious lab explosion, Daniel pays a return visit to his old academic stomping grounds. But as he reacquaints himself with his former colleagues, he begins to suspect that Dr. Jordan's death may not have been an accident. He discovers that one of the items the professor was studying, an ancient Egyptian jar, contains a perfectly preserved Goa'uld symbiote. Apparently, a crack in the vessel compromised the sedative solution within, killing the creature. But further investigation reveals a second jar may have existed. With a Goa'uld apparently stalking the campus and the local community abuzz with talk of an ancient curse, Daniel must unravel the mystery before it's too late.
Written by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by: Andy Mikita
Guest Starring: Anna-Louise Plowman as Sarah Gardner, Ben Bass as Dr. Steven Rayner, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, David Abbott as Dr. David Jordan, Lorena Gale as Curator, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler

September 29, 2000

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Episode #80 (#13D)
While visiting Chulak to gather support for a Jaffa rebellion, Teal'c is captured by the Goa'uld. The rest of SG-1, unaware of his fate, are dispatched to thwart a burgeoning alliance between Apophis and Heru'ur. But when they arrive at the neutral location chosen for the meeting - an ancient minefield floating in space - they discover that Heru-ur has brought along a gift to seal the deal: a battered but defiant Teal'c. SG-1 is torn. Do they try to rescue Teal'c? Or, as Jacob Carter argues, does the success of their mission outweigh the life of their friend?
Written by: Peter DeLuise
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Carmen Argenziano as Jacob Carter / Selmak, Obi Ndefo as Rak'nor, Paul Koslo as Terok, Peter Williams as Apophis, Douglas H. Arthurs as Heru'ur, Art Kitching as Ma'kar, Daniel Bacon as Technician, Wren Robertz as Red Guard, Nicholas Harrison as Red Guard, Kyle Hogg as Jaffa Boy, Chris Duggan as Heru'ur's Jaffa

January 5, 2001

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Episode #81 (#15D)
When General Hammond announces he is stepping down as head of the SGC, O'Neill suspects that there is more to his decision than he is letting on. And, as it turns out, O'Neill is right, as he discovers that the NID was behind the change of command. Fed up with the general's inability to acquire alien technology through whatever means necessary, it pressured him into resigning. When Hammond's replacement, the hawkish General Bauer, breaks up SG-1 and assigns Carter the task of building a planet-killing naquadah bomb, O'Neill takes matters into his own hands. He decides to take on the NID, but his success will rest in the hands of a most unlikely ally: Colonel Maybourne.
Written by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Lawrence Dane as General Bauer, Tom McBeath as Colonel Maybourne, Gary Jones as Technician, Ronny Cox as Senator Kinsey, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler, Patti Allan as Kinsey's wife, Gina Stockdale as Maid, Mark Pawson as Reporter, Norma Jean Wick as Reporter, Jacquie Janzen as Aide, Zoe as Oscar

January 12, 2001

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Episode #82 (#16D)
It's 2010 and a lot has happened in ten years. The Goa'uld have been defeated and diseases such as cancer have been wiped out. Earth's saviors are an alien race known as the Aschen. Their advanced technology has not only ensured the planet's safety, but it has won them the respect and friendship of all humanity. In spite of vast medical advancements however, Samantha Carter and her husband Joe are unable to conceive a child. The Aschen doctors insist Samantha is fine, but Dr. Fraiser's tests reveal something very different. The Aschen have been lying all along. Carter's investigation reveals an insidious plot by the Aschen to wipe out the human race through a process of slow attrition, but dealing with this alien threat seems virtually impossible. The Aschen have become entrenched in Earth society. They hold the reins of power. Challenging them would mean certain defeat. Finally, SG-1 comes to realize that there is still hope, ten years in the past.
Written by: Brad Wright
Directed by: Andy Mikita
Guest Starring: Christopher Cousins as Joe, Dion Luther as Mollem, Gary Jones as Walter Davis, Ronny Cox as President Kinsey, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, David Neale as Dialer, Linnea Johnson as Guide, Bryce Hodgson as Kid, Liza Huget as Waitress

January 19, 2001

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Episode #83 (#17D)
SG-1 is called to Abydos to investigate a strange phenomenon: a whirling sandstorm that seems to whisper Daniel's name. When they confront the twisting tempest, it dissolves to reveal a young boy who introduces himself as Shifu, the Harsesis. Shifu is brought back to Stargate Command where he undergoes a series of tests. They reveal Shifu is physically normal. But it is apparent to all that the young boy is wise beyond his years. Possessing the genetic memory of the Goa'uld, he will undoubtedly prove a powerful weapon against the System Lords. Faced with this prospect, the Harsesis child sets out to teach Daniel a lesson - by imbuing him with the sought-after genetic memories and launching him on a spiritual journey. Ultimately, Daniel must face a difficult challenge. Will he use his newfound knowledge to change the world for the better, or will he allow this knowledge to change him for the worse?
Written by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Lane Gates as Shifu, Peter Williams as Apophis, Colin Cunningham as Major Davis, Gary Jones as Sergeant Davis, William de Vry as Aldwin, Erick Avari as Kasuf, Steven Williams as General Vidrine, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Michelle Harrison as Assistant, Yee Jee Tso as Left Tech, Jenn Forgie as Right Tech, Barbara Fixx as Rear Tech, Coleen Christie as Reporter, June B. Wilde as Maid

January 26, 2001

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Episode #84 (#18D)
One member of an SGC unit has committed suicide and three others, including Daniel, are near death. Their condition is a mystery, but the answer could well lie in a strange offworld temple. O'Neill, Carter, and Teal'c check out the site and discover a room with a mesmerizing light display. They conclude that the temple was, at one point, a Goa'uld pleasure palace. As their investigation progresses, they come to realize that the temple is directly affecting their brain physiology - delivering euphoric highs while they are on its premises, and debilitating lows of withdrawal when they attempt to leave. Trapped, they must find a way to break this otherworldly addiction. As it turns out, a young man, seemingly unaffected by the strange environment, may hold the key to their salvation.
Written by: James Phillips
Directed by: Peter F. Woeste
Guest Starring: Kristian Ayre as Loran, Gary Jones as Sergeant Davis, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Link Baker as Lieutenant Barber

February 2, 2001

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Episode #85 (#19D)
During a visit to the Air Force Academy, Carter makes the acquaintance of Jennifer Hailey, a promising young cadet with a rebellious streak. Carter sees great potential in her, but Jennifer seems determined to sabotage her future with the Air Force. She is fiercely independent, opinionated, and resentful of Carter to whom she is constantly being compared. On the other hand, she is brilliant and Carter recognizes that, given time, she will prove a formidable asset to the SGC. Eventually, Carter decides to show Jennifer exactly what she can look forward to if she stays the course - by bringing her through the Stargate. They visit an offworld research base where O'Neill and Teal'c are on security detail, "babysitting" a group of ungrateful scientists. But the seemingly routine excursion takes a deadly turn when they are attacked by alien life forms composed of pure energy. Trapped and cut off from the Stargate, SG-1 must make a desperate gamble to reach freedom before it's too late.
Story by: Brad Wright, Joseph Mallozzi, and Paul Mullie
Teleplay by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Elisabeth Rosen as Cadet Jennifer Hailey, Hrothgar Mathews as Dr. Hamilton, Bill Dow as Dr. Lee, General Ryan as Himself, Keith Martin Gordey as Professor Monroe, Michael Kopsa as General Kerrigan, Roger Haskett as Dr. Bill Thompson, Russell Ferrier as Major Griff, Ivon R. Bartok as Cadet

February 9, 2001

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Episode #86 (#22D)
The SGC is infected by an alien probe that downloads itself into the base computers, accessing sensitive data on the SGC and its personnel. It is detected and apparently deleted from the mainframe. Unbeknownst to all however, the entity has managed to download itself into the MALP room where it continues to thrive, building itself a new body in order to contain the immense data it has obtained. SG-1 eventually discovers the entity. O'Neill wants to destroy it, but Sam and Daniel feel they should attempt to communicate with it first. Sam tries - only to be overcome by a blast of energy. She is rushed to safety while O'Neill shuts down the entity, presumably killing it for good this time. However, the rest of SG-1 soon learns that it is far from dead. In fact, it now exists in a new vessel - one capable of storing endless bytes of data. The entity has taken over Carter's body. With the base under siege and the alien entity poised to overwhelm them all, O'Neill and company are confronted with a dire prospect: in order to save the SGC, they may well have to sacrifice one of their own.
Written by: Peter DeLuise
Directed by: Allan Lee
Guest Starring: Gary Jones as Sergeant Davis, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Fraiser, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler

February 16, 2001

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Episode #87 (#20D)
SG-1 returns to a planet they helped free from Goa'uld enslavement. Once, with the assistance of SG-1, the people of this world were able to rebel against the forces of Heru'ur and win their freedom. Now, they face a vengeful Cronus determined to make them pay for their insolence. SG-1 is prepared to lead them once again, but it turns out their former allies are not so eager to answer the call to arms. After all, they were promised that if they buried their gate, they would be safe. Instead, the Goa'uld returned in ships - and the planet's inhabitants paid a terrible price. O'Neill and his team must win their confidence before they can win the battle against Cronus. Fortunately, they have help in the form of their robot duplicates, eager to assist them on this doubly-difficult mission.
Written by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: Michael Shanks
Guest Starring: Belinda Waymouth as Goa'uld Officer, Jay Brazeau as Harlan, Ron Halder as Cronus, Matthew Harrison as Darian, Bill Croft as Sindar, Daniel Bacon as Technician, Tracey Hway as Hira, Michael Jonsson as Juna Warrior, John DeSantis as Jaffa, Paul Stafford as Jaffa

February 23, 2001

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Episode #88 (#21D)
SG-1 pays a visit to the Tok'ra homeworld. They arrive at Vorash on Cronus's mothership, one of the spoils they claimed following the events of "Double Jeopardy". At a meeting with the High Council, it is revealed that SG-1 intends to lend the Tok'ra the enormous ship in order to help facilitate their move to a new planet. Tanith is beside himself. Why wasn't he made aware of this plan? Teal'c informs him that he could not be trusted because he is, after all, a spy for Apophis. The Tok'ra have known all along. An enraged Tanith is taken away. The Tok'ra begin to move items up to the mothership. Preparations are underway for the extraction ceremony that will remove Tanith from his host. But amidst all the activity, Tanith escapes his cell and flees up to the planet's desert surface. A search operation is mounted, but no trace of the Goa'uld is found. Then, the Tok'ra receive word. Tanith must have gotten a message out to Apophis. The System Lord has assembled his fleet and is headed for Vorash. Carter and Jacob come up with a plan that, if successful, could deal Apophis a crippling blow. They will gate the Tok'ra to another planet, then load the Stargate onto the ship and leave Vorash. Once in position, they will dial the address of the black hole planet, then jettison the gate into the sun. Given proper timing, this will cause the sun to go nova and destroy Apophis's fleet. Everything goes according to plan. They launch the gate and prepare to flee. Suddenly, a Goa'uld ship decloaks and fires, crippling them. Their weapons systems are down. Their hyperdrive is inoperative. And Apophis is closing fast. But, perhaps more importantly, the countdown has already begun on a blast that will take out the entire solar system. The cliff-hanger episode is continued in the fifth season premiere.
Written by: Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie
Directed by: David Warry-Smith
Guest Starring: Carmen Argenziano as Jacob Carter / Selmak, Peter Wingfield as Tanith, Peter Williams as Apophis, Malik McCall as First Guard, Kenton Reid as Red Jaffa, Paul Norman as Apophis' Red Guard, Kirsten Williamson as Tok'ra #1, Anastasia Bandey as Tok'ra #2