Season 2

June 26, 1998

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Episode #23 (#1B)
As a fleet of Goa'uld warships heads towards Earth, threatening to destroy it, the Stargate facility prepares for the worst, sending the best and brightest of American society through the Stargate to a safe Alpha site. Meanwhile, O'Neill and the SG-1 team have used the Stargate to board a ship commanded by Apophis' son Klorel. The SG-1 team is on a suicide mission, planting explosives in an attempt to stop the attack. They are "captured" by Teal'c's Jaffa mentor, Bra'tac, who joins their fight hoping to overthrow Goa'uld domination of the Jaffa. Bra'tac knows the weaknesses of the Goa'uld ship and reveals a plan to stop them. The plan means almost certain death for both the SG-1 team and Bra'tac, but they all realize that this is the only way to save the Earth and set the Jaffa free.
Written by: Brad Wright
Directed by: Jonathan Glassner
Guest Starring: Tony Amendola as Bra'tac, Robert Wisden as Lt. Colonel Samuels, Peter Williams as Apophis, Alexis Cruz as Klorel/Skaara, Gary Jones as Technician, Laara Sadiq as Technician, Douglas H. Arthurs as Kah'l, Michael Brynjolfson as Jaffa, Phillip Mitchell as Jaffa #2, Bernie Neufeld as General's Aide

July 3, 1998

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Episode #24 (#2B)
O'Neill and the SG-1 team are on a mission to Nasya, hoping to rescue the survivors of a planet that has been attacked by the Goa'uld. During the rescue, however, Dr. Samantha Carter's body is taken over by a Goa'uld that was hiding in the body of a mortally injured Nasyan. Her fellow team members don't notice the change, but when the team returns to Earth, Carter's young friend Cassandra recognizes the Goa'uld immediately. Cassandra tells O'Neill and Carter is confined to a cell, while O'Neill bargains with the Goa'uld for Carter's life. The Goa'uld tells that he is Jolinar of Malkshur, one of the Tok'ra Goa'ulds, a rebel group opposed to the bloodthirsty ways of the system lord. But he also reveals that he has been followed here by Ashrak, an assassin trained in the ways of the Goa'uld. Unless the SG-1 team can stop him, Ashrak will kill Jolinar, taking Dr. Carter's life as well.
Written by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Peter LaCroix as Ashrak, Katie Stuart as Cassandra, Laara Sadiq as Technician, Tracy Westerholm as Technician #2, Judy Norton as Talia, Joe Pascual as Medical Technician, Nicole Rudell as Nurse, Benz Antoine as Driver, Woody Jeffreys as SF Guard, Jim Thorburn as SF Guard 2, David Allan Pearson as Quinta, Ian Robison as Security Officer, Reg Tupper as Doctor

July 10, 1998

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Episode #25 (#3B)
While exploring a seemingly insignificant planet, O'Neill and the SG-1 team are approached by a ragged figure who pleads for their help from a pursuer named Taldor. They try to defend him, only to discover that the man is a fleeing murderer. Taldor means Justice and, by aiding the man, the SG-1 team becomes complicit in his crime. Over their protestations of innocence, the team is sent through a Stargate to Hadante, a penal world where brute strength and raw power rule. Strangely, the most powerful person on Hadante seems to be Linea, a diminutive woman who strikes fear into brutes such as Vishnoor with her mysterious powers. SG-1 strikes a deal with Linea: if she will help power the Stargate using her cold fusion power source, they will help her escape with them. It seems a fair trade, but there's more to Linea than meets the eye.
Written by: Terry Curtis Fox
Directed by: David Warry-Smith
Guest Starring: Bonnie Bartlett as Linea, Laara Sadiq as Technician, Mark Acheson as Vishnoor, David Bloom as Scavenger, Kim Kondrashoff as Roshure, Colin Lawrence as Major Warren, Michael Puttonen as Simian, Andrew Wheeler as Major Stan Kovacek, Colleen Winton as Dr. Greene

July 17, 1998

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Episode #26 (#4B)
O'Neill and the SG-1 team travel to P7J-989, where they discover a beautiful garden and a dome full of strange metallic chambers, each containing an unconscious person. As the team inspects the chambers, they are trapped and knocked unconscious. They awaken to find they are reliving pivotal moments in their lives in the hope of changing the outcome. Teal'c joins O'Neill on a battlefield where the Colonel lost a patrol, and Daniel and Carter witness the death of Daniel's parents in a freak accident. A shadowy figure called The Keeper steps forward and explains that they are part of a game that feeds memories into a virtual reality he has created for the amusement and edification of 'his residents' in the metallic chambers. He explains that they are there because the planet has been rendered uninhabitable due to pollution. However, The Keeper is lying, and when the SG-1 team threatens to reveal his deceit to the others, he admits defeat. Or does he?
Story by: Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright
Teleplay by: Jonathan Glassner
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Dwight Schultz as The Keeper, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Jay Acovone as Captain Charles Kawalsky, Michael Rogers as Colonel John Michaels, Laara Sadiq as Technician, Lisa Bunting as Claire Jackson, Robert Duncan as Melburn Jackson, Diane Brown as Docent, Gillian Barber as Resident #1, Cathy Weseluck as Resident #2

July 24, 1998

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Episode #27 (#5B)
While exploring planet P3R-636, O'Neill and the SG-1 team come across what appears to be a troop of Jaffa warriors and ceremonial priests delivering naquadah, an element treasured by the Goa'uld, through the Stargate. What catches Daniel Jackson's eye, however, is the beautiful Princess Shyla, the melancholy daughter of the planet's ruler, Pyrus The Godslayer. When she attempts suicide, Daniel saves her life, but in doing so, he and the rest of the team are captured and forced to work in the naquadah mines. When Daniel is injured in an escape attempt, the princess brings him to the palace and nurses him back to health, using a Goa'uld sarcophagus. As O'Neill and the rest of the team work as slaves in the mine, Daniel attempts to negotiate their release. Princess Shyla explains to Daniel the secrets of the planet. She reveals how her father drove out the Goa'uld ruler, and now rules the planet with an iron hand, sending naquadah through the gate in hopes of appeasing the Goa'uld. She explains that while Pyrus has lived for 700 years thanks to the rejuvenative powers of the sarcophagus, he is now dying and she will succeed him. She wants Daniel as her King, and she's willing to use the power of the sarcophagus to convince him to accept the thrown.
Story by: Robert C. Cooper and Damian Kindler
Teleplay by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: David Warry-Smith
Guest Starring: Heather Hanson as Princess Shyla, George Touliatos as Pyrus the Godslayer, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Gary Jones as Technician, Andrew Guy as Jaffa #1, Michael Philip as Jaffa #2, Jason Calder as SF Guard

July 31, 1998

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Episode #28 (#6B)
O'Neill and the SG-1 team return to Cimmeria after learning that the Goa'uld have invaded the planet. The team feels responsible, since on their previous visit they destroyed "Thor's Hammer," the planet's main instrument of defense against the Goa'uld. The team makes some remarkable discoveries on the planet. Samantha Carter discovers that she has the power to use the Goa'uld ribbon device. It soon becomes clear that the SG-1 team needs help to fight the massive enemy forces lead by the vicious Goa'uld Heru'ur. Teal'c, O'Neill and Olaf head out to scout the Goa'uld encampment and soon find themselves face to face with the enemy. Meanwhile, Daniel Jackson, Samantha and Gairwyn search for the Hall of Thor's Might, where they believe they might find weapons to defeat the Goa'uld. They find the Hall, where they are presented with a series of tests by a hologram of Thor, the Asgard god who guards the planet. They must pass the tests in order to find a way to defend the planet, and they must do it before Heru'ur's army wipes out the rest of the Cimmerians and the rest of the SG-1 team.
Written by: Katharyn Powers
Directed by: William Gereghty
Guest Starring: Tamsin Kelsey as Gairwyn, Andrew Kavadas as Olaf, Douglas H. Arthurs as Heru'ur, Mark Gibbon as Thor, Laara Sadiq as Technician, Michael Tiernan as Horus Warrior

August 7, 1998

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Episode #29 (#7B)
While exploring a now dead planet, O'Neill and the SG-1 team find an orb that sends out electromagnetic signals. They think it is a time capsule of some sort and are intrigued by its power source, which seems to have lasted for millenia. They bring it back through the Stargate for further study. When Samantha Carter and Daniel Jackson begin their tests, however, the object begins to heat up and the team decides to send it back through the Stargate. The object, however, seems to have other plans. When it is brought to the Stargate, it shoots bolts through the concrete walls, floor and ceiling of the facility, including one that pierces O'Neill's shoulder. Further investigation reveals that the object is sending out an alien organism that is infecting people, computers, and the building itself. Attempts to destroy the orb only make it grow faster. As the computer screens go dark and the facility's self-destruct mechanism begins its countdown, Carter suggests they let the organism take over O'Neill's body in the hope the orb will use him to communicate with them.
Story by: Michael Greenburg and Jarrad Paul
Teleplay by: Brad Wright
Directed by: David Warry-Smith
Guest Starring: Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Tobias Mehler as Lt. Graham Simmons, Gary Jones as Technician, Kevin Conway as SG Leader, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler

August 14, 1998

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Episode #30 (#8B)
Teal'c's mentor Bra'tac arrives unexpectedly through the Stargate with shocking news: the Goa'uld Apophis survived the destruction of this ship and has now kidnapped Teal'c's son, Rya'c. O'Neill and the rest of the SG-1 team agree to join Teal'c as he returns to Chulak to rescue Rya'c, but when they arrive they find much has changed. Because Teal'c didn't return from Earth, his wife, Drey'auc, assumed he was dead and married his old friend, Fro'tak. To make matters worse, Rya'c has been brainwashed by Apophis which causes him to denounce his father as a traitor and foil the team's attempts to rescue him. Fro'tak becomes jealous after seeing Teal'c and Drey'auc rekindling their marital flame. The team is almost captured and Fro'tak attempts to betray them to Apophis, forcing O'Neill to take drastic action. But, Teal'c sees a glimmer of hope when Rya'c slips a hidden message into a public denunciation of this father. Teal'c wants to rescue him and take him back to Earth. While O'Neill does agree, he suspects Rya'c, or his controller Apophis, may be setting an elaborate and deadly trap.
Written by: Katharyn Powers
Directed by: William Gereghty
Guest Starring: Tony Amendola as Bra'tac, Brook Parker as Drey'auc, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Peter Williams as Apophis, Neil Denis as Rya'c, Peter Bryant as Fro'tak, Jan Frandsen as Dj'nor, Laara Sadiq as Female Technician

August 21, 1998

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Episode #31 (#9B)
Daniel Jackson and Teal'c travel back to Abydos, to fulfill the promise made to Sha're's father Kasuf. When they arrive, Daniel learns that his wife, whom he hasn't seen since she was taken by the Goa'uld, is nine months pregnant. The father is Apophis, who plans to use the baby as his new host. O'Neill and Carter are in Washington to receive a medal for their bravery in defeating Apophis' ships, and there they receive their own shocking news. O'Neill is approached by a reporter name Armin Selig who says he has the inside scoop on the Stargate program and is going to run the story. Also, Carter is reunited with her father who tells her he has cancer. As Carter and O'Neill deal with these large issues, Daniel and Teal'c try to find a way to get Sha're back to Earth before the child is born, and the sleeping Goa'uld within her awakens. When the arrival of a ship carrying Apophis' enemy, Heru'ur, prevents them from returning through the Stargate, Teal'c devises a plan to use the rivalry between Apophis and Her'ur to help them escape.
Written by: Terry Curtis Fox
Directed by: Duane Clark
Guest Starring: Carmen Argenziano as General Jacob Carter, Vaitiare Bandera as Sha're, Erick Avari as Kasuf, Peter Williams as Apophis, Douglas H. Arthurs as Heru'ur, Chris Owens as Armin Selig, Michael Tiernan as Ryn'tak

September 25, 1998

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Episode #32 (#10B)
While exploring BP6-3Q1, O'Neill and the SG-1 team are attacked by giant insects. The team escapes through the Stargate, but not before Teal'c is stung. When Teal'c returns to Earth, a strange transformation begins, as the insect virus transforms Teal'c's DNA into something like its own. The change baffles Dr. Samantha Carter and geneticist Dr. Timothy Harlow and it terrifies Teal'c, who makes O'Neill promise he'll stop the transformation. But, Teal'c's condition intrigues Colonel Maybourne who sees the potential for biological weapons in the insect venom. Maybourne uses his presidential mandate to take custody of Teal'c, but the Jaffa escapes while being transported, leaving behind his Goa'uld larva. Teal'c hides out on the mean streets of the city where he is befriended by Ally, a young homeless girl, and O'Neill and the team return to BP6-3Q1 to capture an insect. While there, they discover the terrible power of the insects, how they bypass normal breeding by genetically transforming their victims into their offspring. With time being of the essence, the Stargate Command must devise a vaccine and keep the larval Goa'uld alive. Most important of all, they must find Teal'c, and they must do it before Maybourne does.
Written by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: David Warry-Smith
Guest Starring: Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Tom McBeath as Colonel Maybourne, Scott Hylands as Dr. Timothy Harlow, Colleen Rennison as Ally, Alonso Oyarzun as Punk Leader, Richard Leacock as Sergeant, Laara Sadiq as Female Technician

October 2, 1998

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THE TOK'RA (part one)
Episode #33 (#11B)
Captain Samantha Carter has a vivid dream in which she sees through the eyes of Jolinar, a Tok'ra and rebel Goa'uld, who briefly inhabited her body before dying (in In the Line of Duty). Although her father Jacob is dying of cancer, Carter knows she must go on the mission with O'Neill and the rest of the SG-1 team to find the Tok'ra on planet P34-353J. Upon their arrival they meet a suspicious and heavily armed group of Tok'ra, but as Carter reveals her knowledge, relations begin to warm up. The team learns more about the Tok'ra, how they usually only inhabit willing hosts and do not use the Goa'uld sarcophagus, and Carter learns more about the relationship between Martouf and Jolinar, who were partners for nearly 100 years. There is even talk of an alliance, but the trust is fragile and the outcome of the negotiations are uncertain. Part one of two.
Written by: Jonathan Glassner
Directed by: Brad Turner
Guest Starring: Carmen Argenziano as General Jacob Carter, Sarah Douglas as Garshaw of Belote / Yosuuf, JR Bourne as Lantash / Martouf, Winston Rekert as Cordesh, Joy Coghill as Selmak / Saroosh, Laara Sadiq as Technician Davis, Steve Makaj as Colonel Makepeace, Tosca Baggoo as Tok'ra Council Woman, Roger Haskett as Doctor, Stephen Tibbetts as Guard

October 9, 1998

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THE TOK'RA (part two)
Episode #34 (#12B)
The Tok'ra have turned down O'Neill and SG-1's request for an alliance against the Goa'uld because, as Garshaw explains, the people from Earth don't offer enough rewards to justify the security breech. And, the fact that none of the humans will act as host for Selmak, a Tok'ra whose host is dying, does little to build trust. However, Dr. Samantha Carter has an idea. Her father, General Jacob Carter, is dying of cancer, and if he will become a host it will save both his life and that of Selmak. But when Carter and O'Neill return to the Stargate to propose the idea to the General, the Goa'uld, tipped off by a spy, launch an attack on the Tok'ra. The Tok'ra have enough warning to relocate, but by the time O'Neill, Carter and her father return, the attack is underway. The bonding of two beings as sick as General Carter and Selmak would be difficult under the best of circumstances, but with Goa'uld death gliders filling the sky, it requires even greater risk and urgency. Part two of two.
Written by: Jonathan Glassner
Directed by: Brad Turner
Guest Starring: Carmen Argenziano as General Jacob Carter, Sarah Douglas as Garshaw of Belote / Yosuuf, JR Bourne as Lantash / Martouf, Winston Rekert as Cordesh, Joy Coghill as Selmak / Saroosh, Laara Sadiq as Technician Davis, Steve Makaj as Colonel Makepeace, Tosca Baggoo as Tok'ra Council Woman, Roger Haskett as Doctor, Stephen Tibbetts as Guard

October 23, 1998

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Episode #35 (#13B)
The SG-11 team has not returned from its mission to planet PXY-887, where they recently discovered an element, trinium, that is a hundred times lighter and stronger than steel. Instead, the inhabitants of the planet have fired an arrow made of trinium through the Stargate and into the shoulder of Colonel Jack O'Neill. With O'Neill in the infirmary, the SG-1 team led by Dr. Samantha Carter, heads through the Stargate to investigate and to negotiate a mining treaty with the inhabitants. SG-1 is knocked out on arrival and when they awake, they meet Tonané, a plainspoken Coast Salish Indian, who explains that the SG-11 team were taken by "the spirits," the same spirits who give the valuable metal to his people. Carter and the others are skeptical as they address T'akaya, the wolf, and Xe'ls, the raven, even after the SG-11 team mysteriously reappears. Negotiations with the Salish reach a stalemate and Tonané returns to Earth with SG-1 and SG-11 to look at alternative mining methods. But when General Hammond tells Conner, the head of SG-11, news of plans by N.I.D. to mine the planet whether the Indians agree or not, strange things begin to happen as the spirits, determined to protect the Salish, reveal their true nature.
Written by: Tor Alexander Valenza
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Rodney A. Grant as Tonané, Alex Zahara as Xe'ls, Christina Cox as T'akaya, Kevin McNulty as Dr. Warner, Roger R. Cross as Captain Conner, Chief Leonard George as Elder #1, Byron Chief Moon as Elder #2, Jason Calders as Alien #1, Laara Sadiq as Female Technician

October 30, 1998

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Episode #36 (#14B)
When a group posing as an SG team steals the climate-controlling Touchstone from the planet Madrona, the planet's weather deteriorates, threatening inhabitants with imminent death unless the device is recovered. Madrona's high priest Roham and his granddaughter princess La Moor, blame the SG-1 team for the theft. The SG-1 team makes a disturbing discovery -- the second Stargate on Earth, which had been officially decommissioned, was reactivated by high level orders and used to steal the Touchstone. Now the weather device is on Earth and being used to manipulate the world's climate. When General Hammond discovers the whereabouts of the second Stargate, the SG-1 team races to it, determined to find the Touchstone before all of Madrona perishes, and to discover the hidden agenda behind the Touchstone's theft.
Written by: Sam Egan
Directed by: Brad Turner
Guest Starring: Tom McBeath as Colonel Harry Maybourne, Matthew Walker as Roham, Jerry Wasserman as Whitlow, Tiffany Knight as La Moor, Eric Breker as Major Reynolds, Conan Graham as NID Man

January 22, 1999

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Episode #37 (#16B)
Daniel and the rest of the SG-1 team travel to an ancient room that houses alien inscriptions in an attempt to decode alien languages discovered by a probe. When O'Neill peers through a viewer in the ancient room, he is caught momentarily in its grasp. Shortly after this imposed trance, alien words begin appearing in his speech. Before long, his entire brain is taken up with a superior knowledge virtually indecipherable to the rest of the SG-1 team. Daniel is certain that O'Neill now possesses the knowledge of the Ancients, the alien race who invented the Stargate, but he realizes the knowledge is too complex for the human brain and will likely cause O'Neill to lose his mind. In an attempt to save himself, O'Neill must access his subconscious mind to uncover forces with a greater knowledge than his own, forces that may also have important knowledge about the destiny of mankind.
Written by: Robert C. Cooper
Directed by: David Warry-Smith
Guest Starring: Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Tobias Mehler as Lt. Graham Simmons, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler, David Adams as Expert

January 29, 1999

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Episode #38 (#15B)
While attempting to save the members of SG-10 from a black hole on planet P3X-451, the SG-1 team activates the Stargate and exposes themselves to the hole's gravitational pull. Trying to break free, the team shuts down the gate's power and in the ensuing explosions Teal'c is badly injured. Even without power the black hole's gravity continues to draw the SGC closer to the swirling wormhole. With the intense gravity field warping the space/time continuum, the SGC loses contact with the outside world and the Pentagon sends O'Neill's former mate Colonel Cromwell to investigate. Cromwell is tormented with guilt for deserting O'Neill during an earlier mission, and volunteers to partner up with him in an attempt to save the SGC and the Earth. Time slows to a near stand-still inside the SGC, where only O'Neill and Cromwell are left. Carter scrambles for a solution before everything is torn apart by the black hole's gravitational tides.
Story by: Misha Rashovich
Teleplay by: Brad Wright
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Marshall Teague as Colonel Frank Cromwell, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Tobias Mehler as Lt. Graham Simmons, Colin Cunningham as Major Davis, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler, Biski Gugushe as SF Guard, Kurt Max Runte as Major Boyd, Jim Thorburn as Watts

February 5, 1999

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Episode #39 (#18B)
When the SG-1 team stumbles upon the chamber of former Goa'uld enemy Ma'chello, they fall victim to his powerful body-swapping invention. Ma'chello takes on Daniel's body and the young archaeologist finds himself trapped in the body of an old and dying man. In Daniel's body, Ma'chello flees the SGC and gets a taste of life on Earth for the first time, while Daniel lies on his death bed in the hospital. In an attempt to help their friend, O'Neill and Teal'c bring the soul swapping device to the SGC, but accidentally trigger it and find themselves in each other's bodies. When Ma'chello is tracked down and returned to the SGC, he reveals that the machine's process is irreversible.
Written by: Tor Alexander Valenza
Directed by: David Warry-Smith
Guest Starring: Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Alvin Sanders as Fred, Melanie Skehar as Waitress, Darryl Scheelar as Cop, and Michael Shanks in a double role as Ma'chello

February 12, 1999

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Episode #40 (#17B)
Pursued by Goa'uld death gliders, former Goa'uld conqueror and sworn enemy of the SGC, Apophis, throws himself on the mercy of the team. Despite his past evil, SG-1 grants him sanctuary. Apophis, who shows signs of having been tortured, is slowly dying, and promises all the knowledge of the Goa'uld in return for a new host body. When O'Neill rejects his offer, Apophis reveals that he is being pursued by an ancient and powerful Goa'uld named Sokar, the original god of death. Conquered by Apophis in Egyptian times, Sokar has come to wreak his revenge, and will kill anything that stands between him and his ancient adversary. The team's Tok'ra ally, Martouf, tells SG-1 that unless Apophis is sent back to face his fate, all those around him will be destroyed, either by Sokar, or the many Goa'uld who wish their former leader dead.
Written by: Katharyn Powers
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Peter Williams as Apophis, Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, JR Bourne as Lantash / Martouf, Tobias Mehler as Lt. Graham Simmons, Peter LaCroix as Ashrak, Dan Shea as Sergeant Siler

February 19, 1999

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Episode #41 (#19B)
During a routine reconnaissance mission, the UAV plane crashes into a cactus-like plant on a planet inhabited by an unusual life form. Sent to recover the plane, the SG-1 team discovers those living on the planet are friendly, gentle and far simpler than their human counterparts. Shortly after the team's arrival, aliens begin falling ill and before long a plague of illness sweeps the race. Carter returns to the base with the sickest alien, in order to work on a cure. O'Neill and Daniel begin acting erratically and complain of headaches which disappear once they are back at the SGC. As the number of afflicted aliens grows, it appears that the SG-1 team has unwittingly unleashed something that threatens the survival of this entire civilization.
Written by: Michael Kaplan and John Sanborn
Directed by: William Corcoran
Guest Starring: Colin Heath as Alien "Steve", Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Daniel Bacon as Technician, David Cameron as Elder, Richard DeKlerk as Joe, Shaun Phillips as Jim

February 26, 1999

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Episode #42 (#20B)
A young boy gains entry to the SGC and tells the SG-1 team he has come with his mother, a member of the invisible Reetou race. The boy, who asks to be called Charlie after O'Neill's dead son, announces that the Goa'uld destroyed his planet Reetalia and now Reetou rebels intend to kill all human beings. The rebels believe that by killing all potential hosts for the Goa'uld they will gradually eliminate the Goa'uld themselves. His mother created Charlie to serve as an intermediary between the Reetou and humans and to warn them of the coming rebel attack, but due to his accelerated growth, the boy's organs are now failing and unless he receives expert medical help he will die. The SG-1 team calls Carter's father Jacob, a Tok'ra, to help them. He brings a laser device which can make the Reetou visible and destroy them. But, it may be too late. Thousands of Reetou are swarming outside the wormhole and an unknown number may have already gained entry into the SGC.
Written by: Jonathan Glassner
Directed by: Peter DeLuise
Guest Starring: Carmen Argenziano as Jacob Carter / Selmak, Jeff Gulka as "Charlie", Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Daniel Bacon as Technician

March 5, 1999

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Episode #43 (#21B)
Because of a solar flare, the SG-1 team is propelled back in time to 1969, landing in a top-secret military facility. Carter was carrying a letter General Hammond gave her, and when her belongings are searched by a young Lieutenant, he is astonished by the letter's contents. As the team is transported for further interrogations, this Lieutenant Hammond helps them escape and tells them the letter appeared to be from him many years in the future. Desperate to find the Stargate so they can return to the present, the team seeks out Catherine Langford, who they believe may know its location. Hitchhiking to see her in New York, they are picked up by Michael and Jenny, two friendly flower children on their way to Woodstock. They immediately warm to the team's fugitive appearance. Carter discovers that Hammond's note includes the date of the next solar flare, and they race to the Stargate before their only chance of leaving the past is gone forever.
Written by: Brad Wright
Directed by: Charles Correll
Guest Starring: Alex Zahara as Michael, Aaron Pearl as Lieutenant George Hammond, Amber Rothwell as Jenny, Pamela Perry as Cassandra, Daniel Bacon as Technician, Glynis Davies as Catherine, Fred Henderson as Major Thornbird, Sean Campbell as Sergeant, Efosa Otuomagie as Security Police

March 12, 1999

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Episode #44 (#22B) Season Finale
Awakening from what seems like cryogenic suspension, O'Neill finds himself in a futuristic version of the SGC surrounded by unfamiliar faces. He is told by doctors he has been frozen for 79 years and the rest of the SG-1 team perished long ago. The doctors hook O'Neill to a device which turns his memories into holograms. Then they question him for information about races able to defeat the Goa'uld. The doctors claim they need all the help they can get in their current war against the Goa'uld. When O'Neill overhears the doctors speaking in Goa'uld voices, he realizes he may be part of an elaborate setup. He escapes and discovers the SGC is actually a replica built inside a Goa'uld stronghold, and that in nearby rooms Daniel and Carter are undergoing similar treatment. Attempting to escape, the three are blocked by Hathor who, enraged by their refusal to devulge information, prepares to implant one of them with a Goa'uld larva. The cliff-hanger episode is continued in the third season premiere.
Story by: Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright
Teleplay by: Jonathan Glassner
Directed by: Martin Wood
Guest Starring: Teryl Rothery as Dr. Janet Fraiser, Suanne Braun as Hathor, Tom Butler as Major General Trofsky, Samantha Ferris as Dr. Raully