Outer Limits Season 6
Judgement Day 601
a game show of the future allows family or friends of a victim to take revenge on their killer--on TV!!
Gun The 602
a man buys a gun from a gun-dealer at a show this is a new type of gun which loves to bond with the user
Skin Deep 603
man can change his appearance thru use of a borrowed experimental device he'd rather be someone else grass is always greener moral
Manifest Destiny 604
a scientific space expedition receives a distress signal from a battleship and when they board it they find it eerily devoid of life. Slowly the rescue crew starts going insane and suicidal/
Breaking Point 605
a fired scientist has nervous breakdown while zapping back and forth in an untested time-machine he sees his wife dead 2 days in the future did he do it??
Beholder The 606
a young blind college proff undergoes radical surgery to regain his vision afterwards he sees extras
Seeds of Destruction 607
when rural community starts to find its citizens getting tumors at an alarming rate the local genetically altered-seed company is suspected of a cover-up
Simon Says 608
A man builds a robot to replace his dead son
Stasis 609
2 shifts of workers take turns being awake to work to conserve resources-- rebels would like to stop the status quo alpha and beta lovers can never touch
Down to Earth 610
a UFO convention is the scene for a disgruntled ex-gov man to display a fragment of a UFO funny episode--trust NO ONE!!
Inner Child The 611
when a young woman dies at the e.r. she is declared dead but revives later a miracle? or a freak of nature?
Glitch 612
a man keeps having nightmares or are they past-life memories?? so his wife takes him back to the shop (?!?) android testing to the max he has capacity to learn emotions
Decompression 613
A presidential front-runner is visited on his plane by a mysterious stranger who says she has come from the future to save his life will he take her advice?
Abaddon 614
A space salvage crew working for a corporate state gets a deadly history lesson from a murderous militia leader executed(?) for his genocidal crimes 150 years ago.
Grid The 615
d b sweeney stars as a man who goes to visit his troubled brother only to find he's been murdered was there a conspiracy going on?? this small town seems kinda stepford to him
Revival 616
A crooked faith healer discovers that his young prot
Gettysburg 617
Two Civil War re-enactors find themselves transported to the past on the eve of the infamously bloody Battle of Gettysburg.
Something About Harry 618
a boy suspects his mom's new boarder is up to no-good! he spies on him and suspects he is responsible for disappearances in the neighborhood sometimes paranoid people ARE targets!
Zig Zag 619
frank whaley plays a man who may or may not be a rebel terrorist or a patriot the plot jumps from past events to a present standoff pay attention!
Nest 620
group of researchers find an ice cavern with the bodies of another team and it's crawling with insects one man is still alive-- says that one team member went crazy and killed the others
Final Appeal 621
season 6 end 99/00---when a time traveler (amanda plummer as dr. nivens) is arrested for using technology in the future (where it is out-lawed).her case is taken to the supreme court last show!
Final Appeal part 2 622
when a time traveler (amanda plummer as dr. nivens) is arrested for using technology in the future (where it is out-lawed).her case is taken to the supreme court last show!