Outer Limits Season 1
Sandkings The 101
When his Mars breeding project is cancelled a scientist tries to continue it at home! (note from Camarila--I'm a whiny sci-fi fan who MUCH preferred Sandkings as a horrific sci-fi novella)
Sandkings The Part 2 102
when his Mars breeding project is cancelled a scientist tries to continue it at home! (note from Camarila--I'm a whiny sci-fi fan who MUCH preferred Sandkings as a horrific sci-fi novella)
Valerie 23 103
female android is created to be a human companion; a disabled scientist (william sadler) volunteers to test her but valerie gets jealous of his HUMAN girlfriend
Blood Brothers 104
2 diametrically opposed brothers wrestle for control of a million-dollar drug company. Vaccine for eternal life is object of their struggle
Second Soul 105
a symbient race asks to use our corpses as a second chance for them
White Light Fever 106
experiment threatens order of existence when billionaire pays a cardiologist to help him cheat death
Choice The 107
8-year old girl has telekinetic powers/scool trouble/nanny shows up to tutor her/ agency wants to cure her
Virtual Future 108
scientist can see future but must take steps to save himself after seeing a sponsor's scheme
Living Hell 109
a drifter shot by street-punk is saved by an experimental chip in his brain/ it links him with a serial killer's mind
Corner of the Eye 110
a priest can cure/ the power was given by aliens/ is it a good thing or not?
Under the Bed 111
boogeyman under the bed ??children have disappeared in the area for 100 years
Dark Matters 112
starship caught in a pocket of space/ they find 2 other ships caught there with them- one their comrades missing for years the other- alien / both crews are dead all souls are stuck
Conversion The 113
man wants revenge after getting out of jail/ takes it/ meets compassionate aliens who give him second chance i love this ep!
Quality of Mercy 114
2 captives try to hold out against enemy torture during inter-galactic war/
New Breed The 115
nano-robots save man from cancer but technology runs rampant
Voyage Home The 116
3 astronauts are returning from mars mission-1 is an alien/ what to do?
Caught in the Act 117
a tiny alien craft crashes thru girl's ceiling/ gives her sexual power/ absorbs her partners
Message The 118
deaf woman hears messages from outer space in binary code
I Robot 119
adam a robot kills his creator when he tries to convert him to military use
If These Walls Could Talk 120
house is animated by strange enzyme does it feed on it's owners?? people come to investigate after 2 teens disappear there
Birthright 121
u s senator has car wreck/ isn't human-his memory of what he was eludes him is he part of a plot to terraform us for others? he tries to help
Voice of Reason The 122
end of season 1 hash episode w/ flashbacks as officer tries to convince committee that something weird is going on