Outer Limits Season 1&2 Orignal
The Galaxy Being 1-01
A radio station engineer named Allan Maxwell establishes contact with an alien being. But when the station's power is turned up the alien is teleported to Earth where its radioactive nature causes havoc.
The Hundred Days of the Dragon 1-02
An oriental power develops a radical medical advance that temporarily makes skin malleable. They then manage to replace a presidential candidate with one of their own.
The Architects of Fear 1-03
A group of intellectuals decides that the best way to avoid World War III is to give us all a common enemy. To that end they transform a man into an alien creature.
The Man with the Power 1-04
A radical experiment gives a college professor incredible power which his subconscious mind uses to destroy his enemies.
The Sixth Finger 1-05
A scientist discovers a way to speed up evolution and tries out the process on a simple miner.
The Man Who Was Never Born 1-06
An astronaut travels to the 23rd century where he finds the Earth a blasted wasteland inhabited by monsters.
O.B.I.T. 1-07
A new invention allows one to spy on anyone anywhere.
The Human Factor 1-08
At a military base far in the arctic a man invents a machine which allows two minds to contact one another. An earthquake causes a malfunction and two men wake up to find that their minds have switched bodies.
Corpus Earthling 1-09
A man with a steel plate in his head overhears conversations about global conquest. But all he sees are a bunch of rocks.
Nightmare 1-10
In a war action with the planet Ebon some soldiers are captured interrogated and tortured.
It Crawled Out of the Woodwork 1-11
A young man and his big brother drive across country to the latter's new job site. At the end of his first week of work he returns strangely changed. A bathroom accident kills the older brother by shorting out his pacemaker. The fact that big brother had a perfectly healthy heart leads the younger brother and a police detective Sgt. Sirolio to dig further. Sirolio finds that Norco hides a secret. They've been experimenting with a dangerous being of pure energy. This was how the older brother was killed prior to being resurrected with the pacemaker implant. Sirolio and a scientist are nearly killed when the creature escapes. Some quick thinking allows them to draw the thing back into the pit safe for now.
The Borderland 1-12
A scientist named Ian Fraser invents a machine which can pierce the borderland between this world and... the afterlife? Maybe. Fraser convinces an industrialist to finance future experiments with the possibility of contacting the rich man's dead son.
Tourist Attraction 1-13
In a South American country a group of explorers discover a prehistoric monster in an ancient lake. The discovery leads them into conflict with the country's dictator.
The Zanti Misfits 1-14
The arrival of some VIP's from the planet Zanti is complicated by the intrusion of outsiders. After a fierce fight with the creatures we find that they were actually criminals who had been sentenced to death. The Zantis are too civilized to execute them on their own so they left it to us barbarous Earthlings.
The Mice 1-15
A convict serving a life sentence finds that he has an ultimatum: trade places with an alien.
Controlled Experiment 1-16
Two Martian investigators probe our custom of homicide
Don't Open Till Doomsday 1-17
Eloping lovers come on a strange house. There they find an old woman still despairing over the loss of her fiance on their wedding day many years ago. Little does she know that one of her wedding presents is responsible for the disappearance of the groom: the present with the card that reads Don't Open Till Doomsday .
ZZZZZ 1-18
A queen bee assumes a human appearance in order to make an unwary scientist into her new mate.
The Invisibles 1-19
A government agent infiltrates a secret organization known as the Invisibles who attach parasites to the spinal chords of their victims. And in doing so they hope to (dare I say it?) take over the world!
The Bellero Shield 1-20
A scientist captures an alien that can protect itself with an unbreakable shield.
The Children of Spider County 1-21
Four scientists disappear in one day. All were born in the same county on the same day. A fifth scientist is in jail and a federal agent is assigned to the case. The fifth man is sprung from jail by a mysterious stranger who says he's the young man's father.
Specimen: Unknown 1-22
Scientists on a space station discover an unusual and dangerous plant.
Second Chance 1-23
A group of people board an amusement park ride. Then they (and their surprised captain ) find that they're really going on a space jaunt.
Moonstone 1-24
Workers on a moon base find a mysterious rock that appears to be alive.
The Mutant 1-25
A radioactive rainstorm at a scientific base on a distant planet mutates a scientist driving him insane and making him telepathic.
The Guests 1-26
After running over an ancient man Wade Norton finds a strange house where some people are kept prisoner (and ageless) by an alien intelligence.
Fun and Games 1-27
Two Earth people are transported to an alien planet along with two aliens. They are told by their abductors that they will fight each other to the death. The stakes are high: the homeworld of the losers will be destroyed slowly for the further amusement of their captors.
The Special One 1-28
Parents of a gifted child discover that their son's new tutor is not quite human.
A Feasibility Study 1-29
Inhabitants of a suburb find that their six-block neighborhood has been snatched off to an alien planet. The aliens have been rendered immobile by an infection and they need slaves. They feel that the Earth people would rather become slaves than become infected and thus immobile. The humans surprise them by sacrificing themselves in order to save the rest of humanity from slavery.
Production and Decay of Strange Particles 1-30
An accident in a nuclear research facility opens a dimensional doorway. The invading creatures attempt to create an explosion which will widen the doorway but a scientist discovers a way to reverse the damage and close the doorway.
The Chameleon 1-31
Soldiers investigating the crash of a UFO are massacred. An assassin Louis Mace is transformed into an alien so that he can infiltrate and kill the aliens. He finds out that the aliens are peaceful and only acted in self-defense. He then helps the remaining crewman repair his ship and leaves with him.
The Forms of Things Unknown 1-32
A crazy man invents a machine that can tilt time and bring the dead back to life.
Soldier 2-33
Two soldiers from the future are thrust back through time to the present day.
Cold Hands Warm Heart 2-34
After returning from a mission to Venus an astronaut can't seem to stay warm enough and has strange dreams about encountering a wraith-like being outside his spaceship window.
Behold Eck! 2-35
A scientist invents a pair of glasses which enable him to see and communicate with a two dimensional being.
Expanding Human 2-36
A man experimenting with conciousness expansion drugs becomes super-human and not really human at all.
Demon with a Glass Hand 2-37
A man with a glass hand attempts to unravel the mystery of who he is.
Cry of Silence 2-38
A couple of motorists stranded in the desert are stalked by a bunch of tumbleweeds.
The Invisible Enemy 2-39
A manned mission to Mars is menaced by Martian creatures who swim in the planets sandy soil.
Wolf 359 2-40
A college professor recreates the environment of a distant planet in order to study its evolution... which happens quickly.
I Robot 2-41
A robot is put on trial for the murder of his creator.
The Inheritors 2-42
3 soldier falls in Vietnam felled by an unusual bullet. Miraculously they survives. Now their brains start getting smarter. They start off on a mission.
The Inheritors Part 2 2-43
Part Two, One of the men gather children, with handycaps, and bring them to a ship that they create. they want to take them to another planet where they can live as normal.
Keeper of the Purple Twilight 2-44
An alien offers his technical knowledge of how to build a ray gun in exchange for a scientist's ability to feel emotions.
The Duplicate Man 2-45
A man wants to capture a dangerous alien creature. Doing it himself would be too dangerous so he has his clone do it.
Counterweight 2-46
Six future astronauts are put through a simulation of a long space flight.
The Brain of Colonel Barham 2-47
A dying astronaut agrees to have his brain implanted into a robot body.
The Premonition 2-48
A test pilot crashes on earth. He finds that he and his wife are trapped in a time-warp. The world around them is moving much slower than they are
The Probe 2-49
In route to Tokyo a plane flies into a storm and the pilot is forced to ditch the plane into the eye of a hurricane. The crew and passengers awake on a life boat and soon discover that they have been captured by an alien space probe.